We have created five alternative programming units for schools following the Teach Computing Curriculum:
1. Year 5 Selection in Physical Computing is an alternative to the Year 5 Crumble, using Scratch.
2. Year 6 Sensing & Real World Applications in Scratch is an alternative to the Year 5 Microbit unit.
These two units are free for teachers to use (see download links below), but please credit the Sheffield eLearning Service when sharing or repurposing.
3. Year 5 Selection in Physical Computing with Microbit – an equivalent to the y5 Crumble unit for schools with Microbits.
4. Year 6 Sensing with Crumble – an equivalent to the y6 Microbit unit for schools with Crumbles.
5. Year 4 Datalogging with the Microbit – follows the TCC unit but with activities that use the sensors on the Microbit instead.
Sheffield Schools have free access to all units. Other schools can purchase the units for a one-off price. Contact catherine.elliott@sheffield.gov.uk for details.