We have created five alternative programming units for schools following the Teach Computing Curriculum:
1. Year 5 Selection in Physical Computing is an alternative to the Year 5 Crumble, using Scratch.
2. Year 6 Sensing & Real World Applications in Scratch is an alternative to the Year 5 Microbit unit.
These two units are free for teachers to use (see download links below), but please credit the Sheffield eLearning Service when sharing or repurposing.
3. Year 5 Selection in Physical Computing with Microbit – an equivalent to the y5 Crumble unit for schools with Microbits.
4. Year 6 Sensing with Crumble – an equivalent to the y6 Microbit unit for schools with Crumbles.
5. Year 4 Datalogging with the Microbit – follows the TCC unit but with activities that use the sensors on the Microbit instead.
Sheffield Schools have free access to all units. Other schools can purchase the units for a one-off price. Contact catherine.elliott@sheffield.gov.uk for details.
Year 5 - Selection in Physical Computing using Scratch
This unit covers the key concepts of input & output, repetition and selection, and introduces pupils to the concept of physical systems that use sensors. They learn how to simulate simple physical systems in Scratch, for example traffic lights, sound sensor and automatic doors.

Year 6 - Sensing & Real-World Applications in Scratch
This unit covers the key concepts of input & output, repetition, selection and variables. It consoldiates pupils knowledge of physical systems that use sensors, and pupils have the opportunity to create real-world applications such as translation tools, chat-bots and generative art in Scratch.