Here are some collections of activities created in Scratch that can be used to teach elements of Computing and general use of technology for cause and effect work. They were created specifically for students with special educational needs but would be useful for teaching mainstream primary students too. Projects for teaching Scratch as a programming language can be found at the new Scratch Progression Resource page.
Click on the images to view the collections on the Scratch wesbite. You are welcome to remix the projects as you wish, but please credit the Sheffield eLearning Team on your project page.

Cause & Effect
These activities can be used to promote awareness of cause and effect with learners with severe learning needs who can't access the national curriculum. Activities can be controlled using the keyboard, mouse or by attaching a MaKey MaKey to create your own accessible controllers. New activities will be added in future on different topics.
Click the image to visit the collection.

Control & Explore
These activities are great for pupils working just below or around key stage 1 level to explore how we can control computers and practise mouse skills. New activities will be added in future on different topics.
Click the image to visit the collection.

Computational Thinking
These activities can be used to demonstrate computational thinking and computer science concepts - either as an unplugged activity or to explore code examples.
Click the image to visit the collection.