BBC micro:bits – a computer for every year 7
SEN Computing Day (Feb 2014) – Report Part 2
This is the second post about the SEN Computing Day held at the Sheffield South City Learning Centre on the 6th February – it is posted again here due to a change in website. You can read part 1 here. Afternoon session – looking at the KS2 Computer Science elements…
SEN Computing Day (Feb 2014) – Report Part 1
This post has been copied over from the old website, and refers to a conference held in February 2014 Last Thursday 16 teachers from special schools in Sheffield, Derbyshire and Doncaster descended upon the CLC to look at the new Computing Curriculum and how the computer science elements can be taught to…
SEN Computing Assessment Framework
The Computing curriculum has changed what is taught in schools, of all types and phases, but the means of assessment for those who have not yet reached National curriculum levels, the P Scales, have not been altered. There is a fundamental mismatch between the curriculum and the means of recognising…
KS3 Computing Wikibook
Blackcat Software and Windows 7
A number of schools have reported problems installing and running the BlackCat suite of software on Windows 7. All the Blackcat titles on Windows 7 Home have been tested and found the following: Decisions3 Version Works properly – no issues Fresco Version 1.15 Works properly – no issues. We’re…
Computational thinking and Computing at KS3
This post is a collection of ideas about Secondary Computing that have arisen from two years of work on these issues with and for schools. In particular I have been heavily involved in the last three months in working with a CAS (Computing at School) Master Teacher and a couple…
Computing Lesson – Part 2

Lesson 2 – Introducing the idea of writing programs (algorithms) as sequences of instructions. Creating simple programs to make a Beebot move. – Introduction – Revisit the objects shown in Lesson 1, reminding about controlling technology. – Getting Dressed sequences – IWB resource with items of clothing on, to talk…
Computing Lessons at Stubbin Wood School
I have spent some months now looking at Computing activities to do with learners with special needs, ahead of the new curriculum that comes into force in September. During the last couple of weeks I’ve finally managed to teach a few classes to try them out. Firstly I was really…