Category: Secondary
The eLearning Service becomes an Associate Service at Learn Sheffield
The eLearning Service is delighted to announce that we have partnered with Learn Sheffield to become an associate service. This brings benefits to us all. You will be able to find us in our new home at the Learn Sheffield Training and Development Hub next door to Newfield School (for…
Support for Computing Leads in Sheffield
There is a lot of great work being done in Computing in Sheffield, across Primary, Secondary and Special schools, and we want to help teachers share best practice and find resources. In the past we have run Primary Computing Co-ordinator’s Briefings every term, but we have now cancelled these. This…
Tips on Supporting SEND Pupils in Secondary Computing
This post was originally published in the Teaching Computing in Secondary Schools group on the National STEM Centre website: Technology is a great enabler, and can support students with special educational needs and disabilities to access learning and create meaningful content. The programming elements of the computing curriculum can, however, be…
BBC micro:bits – a computer for every year 7
KS3 Computing Wikibook
Computational thinking and Computing at KS3
This post is a collection of ideas about Secondary Computing that have arisen from two years of work on these issues with and for schools. In particular I have been heavily involved in the last three months in working with a CAS (Computing at School) Master Teacher and a couple…